The die-cutting contour is created in solid Pantone color with the name "DieCut" and set to "Overprint".
Safety distance
In order to prevent any essential elements such as text, logos, images, or graphics from being cut off during the production process, ensure that there is a minimum distance of 2 mm between these elements and the die-cutting contour.
In order for the label to have a perfect cut edge, elements (background image, background color, etc.) that end with the edge must be created at least 2 mm beyond the die-cutting contour. Meaning that the background artwork must overflow the die-cutting perimeter.
Type area
For optimal quality, all important information should be located in this area.
End format frame
The dimensions of the final printed product, excluding any bleed, are represented by the final size frame, aligning with the dimensions of the die-cut outline.
Please be aware of the following basic guidelines for developing your artwork.
Format PDF/X-4:2010: Save your artwork in PDF format according to the PDF/X-4:2010 standard. Do not use the following file formats: .docx, .ppt, .ai, .eps, .jpg, .png, .tiff.
Embed Font: Ensure all fonts are embedded in the artwork. Alternatively, convert the fonts in your layout to outlines for proper rendering and printing.
Fonts Size: Standard: positive: min. 5 pt, negative: min. 6 pt
Printing Guidelines: Color and Ink Usage
A. CMYK Spectrum: Design files in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) for accurate printing. RGB is for screens and isn't printable.
B. Special Colors: Use Pantone or HKS color designations. Conversion to CMYK is done during printing. Note that spot colors are simulated in digital printing.
C. Ink Coverage: Limit ink coverage to 300%. Use 100% K for black text and elements like shapes and lines to ensure optimal print quality.
Images Resolution: Utilize high-resolution images with a minimum of 300 dpi for optimal print quality. Low-resolution images, like those from the Internet, result in unclear and pixelated prints.
Line width: Pay attention to line thickness in graphic elements and fonts. Use a minimum of 0.5 pt for standard display and 1 pt for negatively displayed or cut-out elements for optimal visibility and quality.
To prevent cutting off essential elements, maintain a safety margin of at least 3 mm from the edge of your artwork, accounting for punch, creasing, or perforation considerations.
Bleed margin: To prevent unappealing color flashes in the material, it's advised to incorporate a minimum 2 mm edge trim, ensuring a clean and polished finish to your design.